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Unlimited discovery

Search for your next travel destination with urbnups or simply get inspired. Discover new places and experiences - from local insider tips to popular attractions. With urbnups you can easily save your favorites and always have them with you.

Experience your surroundings easily

On urbnups you will find tips from local experts, special local experiences and personal recommendations from other users. And best of all: we'll show you the way there with all the information you need. Maybe the next exciting moment is just around the corner.

Save and share unique moments

Whether it's that magical moment at the zoo, the perfect place to watch the sunset or your beloved café. Share your moment anywhere with your friends or with the global urbnups community and inspire others with your unique experience.

Categories that suit you

No matter whether you want to be active, are looking for a little relaxation, are hungry or want to take a leisurely trip with your family - we have just the thing for you.

Always in your pocket

You can find more great functions in the urbnups app.
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