Rodelspaß in märchenhafter Umgebung
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Tobogganing fun in a fairytale setting

The nostalgic amusement park is a popular destination for families with smaller children. In addition to the toboggan run, a 120-meter-long track where you can whiz down on wooden sleds, there are many other attractions, such as a fairy tale forest, a vintage car express and a trip around the world. Under old beech trees, the terraces of the mountain garden offer seating to enjoy the picnic you brought with you. Ice cream, coffee and other snacks are also available to guests on site. Today, the family-run traditional business in Ibbenbüren occupies the niche for two- to eight-year-olds. With its small bumper cars, with a train in mini format and even with food sizes suitable for children, the park is geared to the wishes and needs of the very young. The entrance fee system is also different from that of large amusement parks. You only pay for what you use. This was also typical of parks from the turn of the century. The entire facility has cult status and nostalgic charm, evokes childhood memories and is worthwhile for those visitors who do not want "higher, faster, further".
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