Spiegelarche Roldisleben
Spiegelarche Roldisleben
Spiegelarche Roldisleben
Spiegelarche Roldisleben
Spiegelarche Roldisleben
Spiegelarche Roldisleben
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Mirror ark Roldisleben

In a place of silence in Rastenberg-Roldisleben stands the SPIEGEL|ARCHE - in the middle of the field two mirrored containers stacked on top of each other; a sculptural architecture. This walk-in architectural space opens up to people as a cultural attraction for art exhibitions and installations for five years starting in 2021. The event program includes participatory interactive social projects, lectures, readings and concerts, and workshops. The goal is the communal experience of a place that stands for openness, tolerance and curiosity. The main topics are nature, culture, homeland and ecology. The focus is on the communal experience, in a place that is intended to reflect identity, tolerance and curiosity and to raise awareness of the region's treasures. Visitors participate in artistic "we-projects" and become part of a larger whole. The mirror surfaces in free nature allow a surprising view of oneself, of others and of the beauty of the surroundings. The SPIEGEL|ARCHE thus enlivens and inspires in a variety of ways.
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