Zeitreise durch Hanerau-Hademarschen
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Heimatmuseum Hanerau-Hademarschen

Time travel through Hanerau-Hademarschen

Since 1984, you have been able to browse through an East German parlour, the Theodor Storm parlour and numerous other exhibits from times gone by. The museum is now located in the building "Im Kloster 12 + 12a", which was built in 1883 and was then used as a school until 1983. One room is dedicated entirely to the great poet Theodor Storm, who lived in Hademarschen from 1880 to 1888 and wrote the "Schimmelreiter" here, among other things. The East German Heimatstuben are equipped with memorabilia brought by refugees, as well as pictures and books about the former German eastern territories. Archaeological finds from the Stone Age, agricultural or craft equipment and a post-war classroom can also be admired in the museum. There is also a lot of interesting information to see about the construction of the Kiel Canal.
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