Faszinierende Natur- und Sternenwelten
Faszinierende Natur- und Sternenwelten
Faszinierende Natur- und Sternenwelten
Faszinierende Natur- und Sternenwelten
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LWL-Museum für Naturkunde mit Planetarium

Fascinating worlds of nature and stars

A fascinating journey through the history of nature awaits you at the LWL Museum of Natural History with Planetarium in Münster. With exciting exhibitions and impressive exhibits from the fields of biology and geology, the museum becomes the setting for a living past. In the newly designed planetarium, you can immerse yourself in a breathtaking world of stars and experience the wonders of the universe up close. Immerse yourself in fascinating 360-degree fulldome films and be enchanted by musical star shows. An unforgettable experience that combines knowledge and entertainment in a unique way.
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+49 (0)251 59105
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