Göttingens Keimzelle
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Göttingen's nucleus

Originally, the street consisted of two parts and was "the long street in the old village of Geismar": The first section led from the Albanikirchhof to the Inner Gate. In 1412, this street section was already called "Platea Geysmariensis Longa". The second section led from the Inner Gate to the Kornmarkt and lay within the city wall. It is mentioned in 1410 as "ante Valvam Geismariensem iuxta Plateam Gronensem". Finally, in 1864, Lange-Geismar-Straße was officially named, in the spelling still valid today. So much for the history - today Lange-Geismar-Straße is one of the most exciting side streets in Göttingen - there is always something going on here. This is due, among other things, to the diversity of art, architecture, gastronomy and predominantly owner-operated stores. If you don't find what you're looking for here, you don't need anything.
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