Zeitreise durch die Waschkultur
Zeitreise durch die Waschkultur
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Museum der historischen Waschtechnik

Time travel through washing culture

This museum, which is probably unique in Germany, shows the history of laundry washing. More than 5000 exhibits show in a detailed and humorous way the development of the "housewife's everyday life" from a bar of soap to a cold ironer weighing tons. The development of laundry care comes to life in the former village school. Visitors can vividly follow how washing methods changed from laborious manual work to modern techniques. A worthwhile stop for history buffs and technology enthusiasts. The oldest exhibit even dates back to the 17th century. The highlight, however, is a cold ironer from 1889 weighing around three and a half tons.
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+49 (0)2532 4310350
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