Goldene Madonna
Goldene Madonna
Goldene Madonna
Goldene Madonna
Goldene Madonna
Goldene Madonna
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Domschatz Essen

Golden Madonna

The Essen cathedral treasury is considered the most important legacy of the Essen nunnery. Two of its most important works of art are still kept in the cathedral today. The Golden Madonna, the oldest fully sculptured portrait of Mary in the world, is the most important work of art in the Ruhr region. The figure of Mary, which dates from around 980 AD, is still a highly venerated image of grace today and stands in the left aisle of Essen Cathedral. The seven-branched candelabrum also still has its place in the cathedral. It is the oldest surviving seven-branched candelabrum in Christendom and was cast in bronze around the year 1000. Another work of art is enthroned above the portal of today's bishop's house on Burgplatz: For almost 70 years, the golden angel by the artist Ewald Mataré has been standing there, which is why the people of Essen affectionately call it the "Mataré Angel".
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