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Love Island

The Mettnau peninsula is located in Untersee, between the Markelfinger Winkel in the north and Lake Zell in the south. The 180-hectare peninsula is 3.5 kilometers long and up to 800 meters wide. The Mettnau nature reserve, which also includes the small "Liebesinsel" (Love Island) to the south, is one of the oldest nature reserves in Germany and is managed by the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU). The peninsula has developed into the region's most important breeding area for waterfowl thanks to a pond that was created by chance during landfill work. The pond is independent of the water fluctuations of Lake Constance, making it a safe breeding ground for ducks in particular. You can find out more about the special features of the nature reserve on the various NABU guided tours. From the 18m high Mettnau Tower you can see the entire peninsula and the surrounding region. The Life-Path Untersee, an educational trail that provides information about the special features of the Lake Constance landscape, stretches from Mettnau to the Naturfreundehaus Bodensee in Markelfingen.
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