Typical Duisburg

Typical Duisburg

Typical Duisburg

You don't want to forget anything during your visit to Duisburg? Here you will find the spots that make Duisburg special! Start your adventure on the walk-in roller coaster Tiger & Turtle - Magic Mountain, where art and breathtaking views merge. At the Aquarius Water Museum, you can experience the fascinating world of water technology. The Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park, a mixture of industrial culture and nature, invites you to exciting explorations. Duisburg Zoo inspires with its exotic animals. The Six Lakes District offers you pure relaxation in the midst of picturesque nature. Learn all about the impressive mining history of the region in the area of the Rheinpreußen housing cooperative. The Museum of German Inland Navigation tells the stories of the largest inland port in the world. And at the Duisburg Theatre you can experience culture at the highest level. These places show you the diversity of Duisburg!
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